The stained glass windows in our church


The Rose of Sharon:


This three-panel window was over the original door of the Sharon Lutheran Church building. 

This window was installed in the early 1980s.

When the expanded entryway was added to the front of the Church, the window was moved to its present location, still over the front door.  

The rose motif is inspired by the Biblical “Rose of Sharon” from which the name of Sharon Lutheran Church was taken. 

The Rose of Sharon is referred to in the Old Testament book of Song of Songs, which is usually attributed to King Solomon. 

Sharon is the name of the plain in the coastal region of the land of Israel. 

Which flower is the actual “Rose of Sharon” however, is not as clear from the ancient Hebrew text. 

Suggestions include a wide variety of plants from crocus, lily, hibiscus, and one shrubby member of the rose family. 

Whatever flower the Rose of Sharon is, the flower is often interpreted as referring to Jesus – beautiful, fragrant and beloved.


Below this window are three plaques reading (from left to right):  “To the Glory of God.  In Loving Memory of Abel Damkar.  March 9, 1903 – November 14, 1980.  Family & Friends.”, 

“To the Glory of God.  In Loving Memory of Ejvind H. Goldfeldt.  September 12, 1906 – February 5, 1980.  Family & Friends.” , 

and “To the Glory of God.  In Loving Memory of Peter Lawson.  May 3, 1906 – November 25, 1979.  Family & Friends.”



The Fountain:


This window depicts a stream of water flowing from the base of a cross. 

The basis of this image is Jesus’ words in John 4:14 in which He says, “… but, whoever drinks the water I will give them will never thirst.  Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”


The red circle in the middle of the cross is a symbol for eternity. 

This has likely been superimposed on the Chi-Rho symbol, an abbreviation for the Greek word “Christos” (ie. Christ) and resulted in the six-armed star-like shape seen in the middle of the circle.

The palm branches on either side of the cross are symbols of victory, triumph, peace and rejoicing.  Green is the colour of life, growth, and renewal.  Blue represents heaven.  And, red is the colour of the blood shed by Jesus on the cross.  Red also represents love and is also the colour for the Holy Spirit.


Below this window is a plaque stating:  “To the Glory of God.  In Loving Memory:  Peter Brasso.  Sept. 17, 1899 – Aug. 12, 1964.  The Family.”





Dove and Flames of Fire:


The dove in this window is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, who lives in the hearts of those who believe in Jesus. 

The Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, was seen descending on Jesus, when He was baptized by John.

The flames also represent the presence of the Holy Spirit that came on the first believers at Pentecost, as told in Acts of the Apostles 2:2-4,

“Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.  They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.  All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them.”


The flames in the seven lamps also represent faith. 

In Jesus’ parable of the seven wise and seven foolish maidens, the wise maidens have brought extra oil to keep their lamps burning late into the night.  They and their lamps represent those whose faith endures while waiting for Jesus to return. 


The shield in the background has two meanings:

Christian’s are to take up the shield of faith to protect themselves from the fiery darts of Satan. 

Additionally, the shield is an ancient symbol from the Old Testament of God’s protection around those who trust in him.


In the center of the shield is the Chi-Rho symbol. It is a 1900 year-old abbreviation of the Greek work “Christos” (meaning Messiah). 

It is an overlapping of the Greek letter “Chi” (the X), and the letter “Rho” (the P) which are the first 2 letters in the word “Christos”, and refers to Jesus Christ.

The colour blue represents heaven. 

And red is the colour of the blood Jesus shed on the cross to save sinners. 

It is also the colour associated with love and the Holy Spirit.


Under the window is a plaque stating: “To the Glory of God.  In Loving Memory of: William Froleck.  April 19th, 1891 – June 18th, 1967.  The Family.”



The Trefoil and Triangle:


The trefoil is a stylized 3-lobed leaf. 

Both the trefoil and the triangle represent the central Christian doctrine of the triune nature of God: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit --- one God and yet three persons: coequal in glory, majesty, power, eternity, and infinity.


The gold colour of the trefoil represents royalty, wealth, and wisdom. 

The green colour of the triangle represents life, growth, and renewal. 

All of these are attributes of God.


Under the window is a plaque stating: “To the Glory of God.  In Loving Memory of: Wendy Labelle and Kenneth John Innes, 1971.”




The Crown, Wheat, and Shield:


The crown in this window represents the lordship of Jesus Christ, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

It can also represent the “crown of eternal life” that is promised to all those who place their trust in Jesus.


The wheat represents the Word of God that results in growth and fruitfulness in the lives of those who believe His Word. 

Wheat is also made into bread so it represents the bread that Jesus called “His body” when he instituted the sacrament of Eucharist/Holy Communion while celebrating the Passover feast with his disciples the night before his crucifixion.  


The shield is a symbol of God’s protection around his people. 

It is also a symbol of faith that protects the believer from the fiery darts of Satan.


The Chi-Rho symbol, in the center of the shield is a 1900 year-old abbreviation of the Greek work “Christos” (which means Messiah). 

It is an overlapping of the Greek letter “Chi” (the X), and the letter “Rho” (the P) which are the first 2 letters in the word “Christos”.


The “A” to the left of the shield is “Alpha”, the first letter in the Greek alphabet. 

The upside down “U” to the right of the shield is “Omega”, the last letter of the Greek alphabet. 

In several places in the book of Revelations, Jesus calls himself “the Alpha and the Omega” (we would say the A and Z), that is, “the beginning and the end”.  This means that Jesus is eternal, timeless, and with us from the beginning to the end of our lives.


The colour red represents Jesus’ blood that protects His people. 

It is also a symbol for love and the Holy Spirit. 


Gold is the colour of royalty, wealth and wisdom.  All of these are qualities found in Jesus and are things that He shares with his followers.


Under the window is a plaque stating: “To the Glory and Honour of God, in Thanksgiving to Our Pastors for Service at Sharon Lutheran Church.”





The Scallop Shell:


The scallop shell, seen in this window, is a Christian symbol for baptism that dates back almost 2000 years. 

For thousands of years the scallop shell had been a common household item used for scooping. 

It was, and still is used in some churches, to scoop up water for pouring onto the head of someone who is being baptized. 

The three drops represent the pouring of water three times on the head with the words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father” (first pouring), “and of the Son” (second pouring), “and of the Holy Spirit” (third pouring).


The background shield is blue, the colour that represents heaven. 

And the shield itself has a double meaning:  Christian’s are to take up the shield of faith to protect themselves from the fiery darts of Satan. 

Additionally, the shield is an ancient symbol from the Old Testament of God’s protection around those who trust in him. 

So, baptism places the believer under God’s protection and promises them life eternal with Him in heaven.


Under the window is a plaque stating: “To the Glory of God.  In Memory of: Christian Damgaard.  1883 – May 9, 1946.”




The Seven-Branched Candelabra:


The candelabra shown in this window is a representation of an ancient object that dates back to the time of Moses. 

In Exodus 25: 31-40, there is a detailed description of how these candelabras, or lamp stands, were to be made of solid gold and placed in the sanctuary of the tabernacle. 

Later, when the Temple in Jerusalem was built, these lamp stands were moved into the sanctuary there. 

These lamp stands were fueled by olive oil and burned perpetually. 

They have become a symbol for the Nation of Israel.

The number seven is a sacred number in Judaism and Christianity, representing completeness and perfection. 

The lights that burn perpetually represent the Word of God (the Bible), which is a light to our path in life. 

Jesus also called on his followers to be lights shining in this dark world.


Gold is the symbol of royalty, wealth, and wisdom. 

White is the colour of purity.


Under the window is a plaque stating: “To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of: Laurits Pedersen, January 7, 1895 – April 4, 1969. From the Family.”




The Chi-Rho:


The Chi-Rho is one of the oldest Christograms (word pictures representing Jesus Christ). 

The Greek word for the Messiah is “Christos”. 

The first 2 letters in the Greek word Christos is Chi (the X-shaped letter), and Rho (the P-shaped letter). 

When placed over each other they become an abbreviation for the word “Christ” and refers to Jesus’ Hebrew/Aramaic title of “Messiah”. 

Both “Christ” and “Messiah” mean “the Anointed One” and indicates a person who has been chosen for a special role or task.


The gold colour in the Chi-Rho in this window represents royalty, wealth, and wisdom.  These are all attributes of Jesus, the Christ.


Under the window is a plaque stating: “To the Glory of God.  In Loving Memory of: Jorgen  Laursen, 1971, and Christian Laursen, 1961.”




The Circle and Crown:


The circle is a symbol of eternity and the blue colour inside the circle represents heaven. 

The circle is gold, which is the colour of royalty, wealth, and wisdom.


Inside the circle is a gold crown that represents the Lordship of Jesus, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

It can also represent the “crown of eternal life” that is promised to all those who place their trust in Jesus.


The two palm branches represent victory, triumph, peace and rejoicing. 

Green is the colour of life, growth, and renewal. 

These are all gifts available to the followers of Jesus through faith in him.


The three stars likely represent the Trinity:  God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus is described in the book of Revelation as the bright and morning star. 

Stars also represent the light of guidance (think of the Christmas star that led the Magi to the young Jesus in Bethlehem). 

The Bible is our guiding star in life.


Under the window is a plaque stating: “To the Glory and Honour of God, and in Loving Memory of Mr. Neils Weisemose. 

Donated by Sharon Ev. Lutheran Congregation.”  (Mr Weisemose did virtually all of the wood carvings inside the Church sanctuary.)




The Cross and Coloured Rays:


This large window is located at the back of the Church, above the balcony. 

The cross represents the death of Jesus to atone for the sins of the whole world for all time. 


The circle behind the center of the cross thus represents the world (a globe) and also can represent eternity.  


The colours of the rays of light represent three things:

Blue represents heaven. 

Red is the colour of the blood shed by Jesus on the cross. 

Red also represents love and is the colour for the Holy Spirit.

Gold (yellow) represents royalty, wealth, and wisdom.


Under the window is a plaque stating: “In Loving Memory of Constance Skopik, from Nick, Mother, Children and Grandchildren.”